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ITLS - International Trauma Life Support

Healthcare Provider Courses

Target Group

An International Trauma Life Support Course, (ITLS) gives you the knowledge and hands-on skills to take better care of trauma patients. The ITLS framework is a global standard that enables you to master the latest techniques in rapid assessment, appropriate intervention, and identification of immediate life-threatening injuries.

ITLS courses combine classroom learning and hands-on skill stations. Scenario assessment stations enable you to put your learning to work in simulated trauma situations. Each ITLS course includes a comprehensive manual sent to you in advance.

ITLS Basic and Advanced Course

The ITLS Basic course provides the core of knowledge and skills appropriate for all levels of EMS personnel, including EMT-Bs, first responders, and other technicians.

The ITLS Advanced course builds on this knowledge, emphasizing evaluation steps and sequencing as well as techniques for resuscitating and packaging patients. ITLS Advanced is appropriate for advanced EMTs, paramedics, trauma nurses, physicians, and other advanced EMS personnel.

Course Content

Hands-on stations include:

  • Patient assessment and management
  • Basic and advanced airway management
  • Needle chest decompression and fluid resuscitation
  • Spinal motion restriction — rapid extrication, short backboard, helmet management, log roll, and long backboard/scoop stretcher utilization
  • Extremity immobilization and traction splint application
  • Patient assessment and management
  • Basic and advanced airway management
  • Needle chest decompression and fluid resuscitation
  • Spinal motion restriction — rapid extrication, short backboard, helmet management, log roll, and long backboard/ scoop stretcher utilization
  • Extremity immobilization and traction splint application


2 Day active simulation training


On successful completion of the ILTS course you will be issued a certificate valid for 3 years and a certificate for 25 CPD points.


You can register online to temporarily make a booking, (click here to go to the upcoming course page and to register). Your registration will only be confirmed once we receive a completed booking form and proof of payment from you. Contact us to register on the ITLS course. Class numbers are limited to ensure quality training so we recommend booking as early as possible.